Selected Poetry
Poetry London: “As the Crow Flies,” forthcoming.
Southern Indiana Review: “The Stem of a Fungus,” “As Much God in the Ground as Possible",” forthcoming.
Quarterly West: “Like a Wound in the Snow,” “Punching Down,” forthcoming.
The Georgia Review: “Forests, Too, Are Fleeing,” forthcoming.
Bennington Review: “Kestrels Find the Flares of Methane,” Fall 2024.
Los Angeles Review of Books: “Wind Enough to Bend These Trees,” Summer 2024.
Ploughshares: “There Is Nowhere for the Wind,” Winter 2024.
TriQuarterly: “We Belittle the Grass,” Winter 2024.
AGNI: “To Hear, At This Window, Bare-throated Bellbirds,” Fall 2023.
Smartish Pace: “The Leaf That Produces the Plant,” “Rainfall on the Side of the Street,” Fall 2023.
Washington Square: “Together for Eternity,” Fall 2023.
West Branch: “Collateral,” “Spoken For,” “Eremocene,” & “Endling,” Winter 2023.
Image: “Explosives, Once Signaled,” Winter 2023.
The New York Review of Books: “Empty Spaces,” Fall 2022.
The Yale Review: “The Threat of Being Cut is Constant,” Fall 2022.
The Paris Review: “Floodwaters Carry Coal Ash Into the Cape Fear River,” Winter 2021.
New England Review: “I Side With Myself. I Touch My Face,” Fall 2021.
The Believer: “Forced March,” Winter 2021.
Bennington Review: “Resignation Syndrome,” Fall 2020.
The Kenyon Review: “Ownership of Time.” Included in the ‘Of Today’ folio, edited by Solmaz Sharif
& published in the January/February 2020 print issue.
Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day: “Common Things,” Spring 2019.
Crazyhorse (print): “Mortality Event,” Spring 2019.
Vinyl: “Porousness,” Spring 2019.
The Cincinnati Review (print): “The One Story,” Fall 2018.
The Massachusetts Review (print): “Ownership of Sight,” Fall 2018.
Witness: “Inunacknowledgeddetentionwithout,” Spring 2018.
The Antioch Review (print): “Ownership of Words,” Summer 2018.
Harvard Review (print): “Definite Article,” Winter 2018.
The Elephants: “Pasts,” Fall 2017.
Typo: “Object Permanence,” Summer 2017.
Conjunctions: “Black Paintings” and “Peace Epic,” Spring 2016.
The Iowa Review (print): “Division of Labor,” “Multiverse,” “Ruin Value” and “Placeholder,” Winter 2016.
Boston Review: “Devouring Each Other,” Summer 2015.
The Kenyon Review (print): “Geometry of Echo,” Fall 2015.
Green Mountains Review: “Bellfounding” and “Dwelling,” Fall 2014.
Gulf Coast (print): “Asylum” and “Lucus,” Fall 2014.
Sixth Finch: “Beach Scene” and “Degree of Nothing,” Summer 2013.
Guernica: "Cages," Spring 2013.
The Paris-American: “Schedule for Burning,” “Their Papers” and “Pastorale,” Spring 2013.
Boston Review (Introduced by Mark Strand): Selections from Contrapuntal, Winter 2010.
Los Angeles Review of Books: “The Ethics of Materiality: On Aditi Machado’s Material Witness,” forthcoming.
Los Angeles Review of Books: “Reselfing: On Brandon Shimoda’s Hydra Medusa and Eleni Sikelianos’s Your Kingdom,” Winter 2023.
Poetry Northwest: “Failure as Negative Space,” Fall 2020.
The Kenyon Review: “On Books & Their Harbors: Valuing & Solid State Books,” Fall 2020.
The Providence Journal: "How Poetry Can Keep Us Living in the Moment," Summer 2017.
Tupelo Quarterly: "Against Our Vanishing: An Essay on the Loss of Allen Grossman," Fall 2014.
Guernica: "Our Best Selves Are Reserved for the Page: An Interview with Tracy K. Smith," Summer 2016.
Tupelo Quarterly: "Revising the Archive: A Review of Jill Magi's Labor," Spring 2016.
Tupelo Quarterly: “An Interview with Joanna Howard,” Winter 2015.
Tupelo Quarterly: “The Poem Becomes a Spinning Map: An Interview with Amaud Jamaul Johnson,” Fall 2014.
Jacket2: "Tunneling Through the Self: A Review of Hoa Nguyen's As Long as Trees Last," Spring 2014.
32 Poems: “Contributor’s Marginalia: On ‘Throne Switch Thrown’ by J. Allyn Rosser,” Fall 2013.
Jacket2: "Devisable Matter & Sheer Overjoy: A Review of Peter Richards' Helsinki," Winter 2013.
Colorado Review: "Darkest Where Light Begins: A Review of Sandra Meek's Road Scatter," Summer 2013.